Global Campaign - Week of Action Against Gun Violence, 1-8 May 2016
The Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS) and UNDP SEESAC, with funding from the European Union, is joining this year’s Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence aimed at raising awareness about consequences of the misuse of firearms for the survivors and the families of those who succumbed to the injuries. The campaign also strives to raise awareness about the work done by the Victim Support Service in Serbia.
The campaign “Hear out the Voice of Victims” is also part of the Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence, held from 1-8 May, 2016 and organized annually by the International Action Network on Small Arms. Supported by 85 countries this year, the Week of Action (WoA) is a time to highlight efforts to stop the proliferation and misuse of small arms, promote the effective implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action (UN PoA), and raise awareness of the epidemic of gun violence and its consequences.
In Serbia, more than half of the victims of firearm incidents are young people, age 18-35, the victims and gun violence perpetrators usually know each other and in 72% of the cases, they are family members, friends, neighbors or acquaintances and death is the most frequent outcome of domestic gun violence (51%), according to results collected through media reports and crowdsourcing platform Oružje na meti ( by UNDP SEESAC.
The campaign taking place in Serbia “Hear out the Voice of the Victims” of gun violence aims to show how the use of guns affects our safety and how it can destroy our lives and the lives of others. This year, we are inviting victims, families of the victims who have passed away from injuries, and people who have knowledge of firearm incidents to join the Global Week of Action against Gun Violence and describe the incident on the VDS web page:, and in this way make sure that their personal or experience of those close to them is known, their voice heard and their needs recognized.
The analysis of the obtained material will be used for further activities that strive to provide full support to the victims of firearm violence and for additional activities regarding the misuse of firearms. By using social media during the campaign, we will ensure that the voices of victims reach as many citizens of Serbia. At the same time, we will hold ‘live’ events and directly talk to citizens in the country’s largest municipality of Novi Beograd to emphasize the importance of reducing the use of firearms and providing much needed systematic support for the victims.
For more information on the campaign, please contact the:
Victimology Society of Serbia, tel. + 381 11 630 3022, e-mail:
Twitter: @vdsrbija
UNDP SEESAC, e-mail:
Additional information about the Global Week of Action against Gun Violence is available on webpage:
The Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS) is a nonprofit, citizens’ organization, founded on 12th November 1997 with the aim of promoting and protecting the rights and status of the victims of crimes, wars, human right violations and other forms of suffering. The Victimology Society of Serbia includes the VDS Info and Victim Support Service, foreseen for all victims of crimes, including firearm misuse. The main activities of the Service are: providing emotional support, information, referring to other services/organizations dependent on the specific needs of the victim and practical assistance and aid during court appearances.
Victimology Society of Serbia – VDS Info and Victim Support Service:
Twitter @vdsrbija
tel: 011-2288040
UNDP SEESAC provides support to national, regional and international stakeholders in strengthening their capacities to control and reduce the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons and in this way contribute to stability, security and development in South East Europe (SEE). Supported by the European Union, the campaign “Hear out the Voice of the Victims: Reduce the Misuse of Firearms – Increase our Safety!” is implemented under a project funded through
the EU Council Decision 2013/730/CFSP in support of SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South East Europe.