Regional Security Sector Reform Platform

Regional expert networks in small arms and light weapons and gender mainstreaming in security sector reform

UNDP SEESAC established the Regional Security Sector Reform Platform (RSSRP) to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and expertise on niche security sector reform themes from South East Europe to the rest of the ECIS region and further afield.

RSSRP blends SEESAC’s practical project development and implementation capacity, with the regional Roster of Experts, approved by the participating states, and selected for their proven track-record and current hands-on experience in national policy design and implementation coupled with participation in SEESAC regional projects and initiatives.

The RSSRP is:

  • A regional platform for addressing global stabilization needs, based on SEESAC’s unique network of security experts with experience in the area of Security Sector Reform (SSR) with a particular focus on small arms control/armed violence prevention and mainstreaming gender in security sector reform processes.
  • A facility designed to contribute to efforts to achieve the proposed SDGs Goal 16 on promoting peace and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.
  • A South-South knowledge transfer mechanism. RSSRP creates an opportunity for South East European states to become stronger contributors to global security whilst enhancing South-South cooperation around major Rule of Law challenges.
  • A regional mechanism that delivers quick, effective and demand-driven responsesto Rule of Law needs at the technical level. 

In order to discuss accessing the RSSRP, interested offices should contact Bojana Balon, SEESAC Coordinator.



RSSRP offers expertise in the niche areas of SALW Control and Gender Mainstreaming in SSR, with 50 experts available on short notice and for short terms targeted deployments in combination with SEESAC staff. There are 23 SALW Control and 26 in Gender Equality experts. Almost all have a good command of English, most speak BCMS (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian), while other languages include Albanian, Romanian, Russian, French and Spanish. The experts come from the region’s militaries, police, border, and customs services; defence, foreign affairs and interior ministries, as well as other government bodies. They include police inspectors, high ranking military officers and specialists in anti-terrorism, stockpile management and ammunition maintenance, as well as arms transfers control professionals, lawyers, researchers.


  • Policy development support: support for legislative and strategic policy development; support for coordination measures including the establishment and capacity building of SALW Commissions; support for evidence-based policy making through SALW surveys and research; data management.
    Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM): capacity development including training and improvements in infrastructure; maintenance and record keeping; stockpile reduction through the destruction of SALW and ammunition.
  • Marking, Tracing and Registration: support for legislative framework development and harmonization with international standards; support for the development of national registers of firearms in civilian possession; record-keeping solutions development and implementation; regional networking of firearm experts; capacity development and training.
    Collection Campaigns and Awareness Raising: design and implementation support for collection and awareness raising campaigns, including research legislation and outreach.
  • Arms exports control: support for legislative framework development and harmonization with international standards and best-practices; technical support and capacity development for licensing authorities; support for increased transparency and reporting in line with ATT and EU standards; development of record-keeping databases; brokering database; industry outreach.


  • Policy Development Support: technical support and expert advisory services for mainstreaming gender in legislative and strategic policy development and implementation.
    Raising Gender Awareness in the Military and Police: design and implementation of gender awareness training and workshops; technical support for development of gender training for the military and police.
  • Capacity Development for Gender Equality Mechanisms: technical support and advice for gender equality mechanisms (e.g. gender focal points, gender advisors, gender equality coordinators, and gender equality committees) established in the police and the military; advice on how to implement their mandates with limited resources and how to advocate for gender equality; creation of networks for supporters; formulation of evidence-based policies and regulations; advice on how to mainstream gender in policy development and implementation.
    Mainstreaming Gender in Military and Police Recruitment and Retention: technical support and advice on how to conduct a gender analysis of human resources and public relations policies and practices on recruitment; on how to conduct a gender analysis of policies and practices contributing to the retention of personnel; on how to mainstream gender in recruitment and ensure the retention of personnel; collection and analysis of gender sensitive statistics.
  • Mainstreaming Gender in Military and Police Training and Education: technical support and advice on how to conduct a gender analysis of military and police training and education; technical guidance on how to mainstream gender in military and police training and education.
    Integration of Gender in Military Operations: advice and technical support on the integration of gender perspective in the planning and implementation of military operations.
  • Technical support in the Establishment of Women’s Networks in the Security Sector: technical support and advice on the establishment and management of women’s networks; capacity development, including training for gender advocacy, project development and implementation. 
    Strengthening Capacities of Police to Combat Gender Based Violence: advice and training on how to develop initiatives to strengthen police responses to sexual and gender based violence.
  • Gender Research and Analysis: technical support for the development of methodology, the development of gender sensitive indicators, as well as the strengthening of capacities of the police and military for gender analysis


RSSRP is fully integrated into SEESAC which in turn is an integral part of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Istanbul Regional Hub.

RSSRP is primarily envisaged to support UNDP Country Offices as well as other UN entities field activities.  

The interested entity should send an enquiry to SEESAC specifying:

  • the stream of expertise needed (SALW or Gender)
  • the type of support requested
  • the area of expertise from the above list (if possible).

Except if otherwise agreed, the costs of deployment of experts (travel and DSA) will be borne by the requesting entities.

Download RSSRP Flyer (PDF)

RSSRP Webinar


Gender Equality Trainers from the Armed Forces in the Western Balkans Support their Peers in Moldova

Chisinau, 3-4 October 2019


Twenty representatives of the National Army of Moldova successfully completed two-day gender awareness training delivered by Gender Equality Trainers from the Armed Forces (AFs) in the Western Balkans.

The learning sessions were developed and facilitated by Col. Fahir Žilić, AFs of BiH and LTC Ordance Todorov, AFs of North Macedonia, trainers who have been actively involved in awareness-raising and promotion of gender equality in the military. The event enabled the exchange of good practices from the Western Balkans. Mr. Muhamed Smajić, Secretary of the MoD of BiH, shared experiences in integrating gender equality into operational and strategic planning.

Mr. Vladimir Iliev, MoD Moldova State Secretary, congratulated the participants on the newly acquired knowledge and thanked UNDP SEESAC for support, particularly emphasizing the expertise of gender trainers from the AFs in the Western Balkans.

The event also provided an excellent opportunity for the participants to learn about the results of the Strengthening of Regional Cooperation on Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans project.

The training was organized by UNDP Moldova and UNDP SEESAC at the request of the Ministry of Defence in Moldova, following the similar training delivered by military gender trainers from the Western Balkans in 2018.

This training was organized within the context of the Regional Security Sector Reform Platform that was created by UNDP SEESAC in 2015 in cooperation with the Governments in South-East Europe (SEE). The aim of the RSSRP is to provide quick, effective, and demand-driven short-term targeted technical support and foster South-South cooperation. The RSSRP includes a roster with over 50 experts from governments in SEE, including representatives of the MoD and AFs of BiH, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, due to their expertise in gender equality in the military.