Exchange Visit: Moldova - Montenegro SALW Commission


On 26-27 May 2015, within the framework of the EU funded EUSAC project  SEESAC facilitated a bilateral visit to the Montenegro SALW Commission by a delegation of the Government of the Republic of Moldova composed of representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moldovan National Army and General Police Inspectorate.

The aim of the visit was to foster information exchange and knowledge sharing on SALW policies and practices. Moldova is still in the process of establishing its National SALW Commission therefore meetings were designed in support of their efforts to complete this process. To this purpose, Montenegro SALW Commission members presented the procedural and practical aspects of the work of the SALW Commission.

The President of the Montenegro SALW Commission, Mr. Mladen Markovic expressed his readiness to support the Moldovan counterparts in the development of the required policies and national strategy.The Moldovan Delegation welcomed the expressed support and requested additionally SEESAC assistance.

As part of the same visit, Moldova’s Delegation had the opportunity to visit the ammunition/armament storages of the Montenegro Armed Forces, which have been refurbished recently with funds from the European Union through SEESAC.

This visit was made possible with funds under the EU Support of SEESAC Disarmament and Arms Control Activities in South East Europe (EUSAC) project, initiated through the Council Decision 2013/730/CFSP.
