SEESAC supports preparations for this year’s Joint Action Days and the drafting of the two-year Operational Action Plan (OAP) within the EMPACT FIREARMS JAD SEE framework
From 4 to 6 September 2023 in Skopje, SEESAC organized the Regional Workshop on Intelligence Collection in support of the implementation of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT JAD) in Southeast Europe (SEE) in the framework of Operational Action 8.1 of the EMPACT FIREARMS.
During the first day of the Workshop, participants from the Ministries of Interior (MOIs) from SEE were presented with the two-year Operational Action Plan as well as with an overview of the firearms-related threats in the EU and beyond. In the further course of the Workshop, a more detailed discussion took place concerning the greater involvement of SEE in JAD, SEE particular challenges when it comes to drafting of the National OAP, and additional needs to be addressed in the upcoming two-year period.
The following two days were dedicated to the discussion on the intelligence collection based on the intelligence collection strategy and to the preparation for the JAD Western Balkans that shall be organized later this year. In this regard, the SEE MOIs were encouraged to use the different tools and resources available and to provide further feedback on particular obstacles and positive outcomes from the JAD platform usage.
Separate sessions were dedicated to the cyber patrolling intelligence, lessons learned and the way ahead in the area of SOCMINT and cyber patrolling, as the dimension of the online investigation is an essential part of building capacities for combating firearms-related crimes.
This three-day gathering was organized by SEESAC, in close cooperation with EMPACT FIREARMS, within the scope of the implementation of the Regional IPA project Support for Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans and in the context of the implementation of the European Union Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/2321 .