Regional Meeting on Firearms Trafficking Investigation gathers law enforcement agencies from Western Balkans, Moldova, and Ukraine in Belgrade

SEESAC and EMPACT Firearms co-organized the Regional Meeting on Firearms Trafficking Investigation held in Belgrade on 26-27 March. The Meeting brought together representatives from six Western Balkan jurisdictions, Moldova, and Ukraine, and the partnering international agencies FRONTEX and EUROPOL.

The meeting focused on crucial themes such as intelligence gathering, threat assessment, operational strategies, and the use of cyber patrols to track illicit activities related to firearms.

Key highlights included presentations by participating jurisdictions detailing their findings and initiatives undertaken as part of the Joint Action Days (JAD) SEE 2023, emphasizing the identification of relevant cases for further investigation. Additionally, representatives from EUROPOL and FRONTEX provided insights into intelligence sharing and operational measures taken over the past year.

Participants also worked to identify essential requirements for further investigations and to identify additional assistance needed to effectively combat firearms trafficking in South East and East Europe. Representatives of SEESAC and EMPACT Firearms took the opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of all stakeholders to continue working together to combat the proliferation of illicit firearms and to emphasize the importance of sustained cooperation and coordinated action.

This meeting was organized within the scope of the implementation of the Regional IPA project Support for Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans and in the context of the implementation of the EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/2321.
