Outreach of the Firearms Focal Points and Ballistic Laboratory to the Prosecutors successfully held in Podgorica and Tirana
In February and March 2024, SEESAC successfully concluded two sessions on the Outreach of the Firearms Focal Points (FFP) and Ballistic Laboratory of the Ministry of the Interior to the Prosecution Office in support of firearms crime-related investigations.
Held in Podgorica and Tirana, the sessions were part of a broader series of regional events aimed at integrating the FFP as a new function into the law enforcement architecture and supporting their integration into the investigative and intelligence-led policing cycle.
The sessions were organized in two parts. The first part explored the modalities of cooperation between FFPs and Prosecution Offices, emphasizing how such collaboration can strengthen the quality of investigations. Discussions covered the role of FFP's analytical products and their potential to enhance investigators' work in firearms-related cases. The second part focused on Ballistic Laboratory and Forensic Centre presentations, spotlighting specific methodologies and techniques available to support prosecution efforts.
An important aspect highlighted during the sessions was recognizing the FFP's primary role in delivering rapid intelligence and analytical products, offering on-demand assistance to investigators through tailored intelligence reports. Furthermore, the importance of forensic and ballistic intelligence was underscored as a means of streamlining investigation procedures and maximizing the effective utilization of evidence.
Through case studies examination, and dynamic discussions and exchanges, participants shared insights and recommendations to address challenges associated with firearms-related crimes. The overarching goal was to fortify cases and enhance investigation processes.
These workshops were organized as part of the Regional IPA project in Support for Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Western Balkans (2021/425-067).