Focusing on Youth, Thinking Ahead: 6th Regional Awareness-Raising Task Force Meeting

On 24th and 25th September 2024, delegations from six Western Balkan jurisdictions met in Belgrade for the 6th Regional Awareness Raising Task Force Meeting (RAR Task Force), organized by SEESAC with the support of the European Union. The two-day meeting provided an important platform for collaborative discussions and learning – aiming to diversify the use of awareness-raising and strengthening institutional capacities, throughout the region, to implement truly effective outreach activities.

Continuing the years-long cooperation and exchange of relevant information and practices, delegations, along with representatives of UNDP, SEESAC, and OSCE missions, discussed the most recent awareness initiatives, challenges encountered in the process, upcoming projects, and identified needs. With over 50 participants taking part in person and online, candid exchange contributed towards improving substantive outreach throughout the region and enhancing strategies for effective communication on SALW-related issues.

Responding to the previously identified need for support in building stronger capacities for crisis communication in the aftermath of firearms-related incidents and during targeted campaigns, the meeting included a presentation of a new set of Guidelines – custom-designed to provide the necessary framework and strengthen communication skills of Ministries of Interior representatives Participants actively contributed to the discussions and provided insights to refine the Guidelines further and ensure that they meet their specific needs.

As the Meeting continued, Delegations explored the crucial role of youth in SALW-related incidents and prevention efforts. Discussions centered around future initiatives to engage young people while analyzing past strategies to reach young audiences over the past decade, including in-person outreach and targeted media campaigns. Data-driven insights were highlighted as essential for shaping future efforts, emphasizing the importance of relevant statistics in guiding action. Key lessons learned from decades of practice on a global and regional level were also emphasized as valuable blueprints for future initiatives.

Following discussions on youth engagement, delegates underwent interactive training sessions with practical exercises on social media content creation and traditional media engagement. Participants gained insights into more effective communication planning and the use of social media to maximize outreach efforts, as well as specific tools to deepen relationships with traditional media. The training topic was selected in response to the needs expressed by Task Force participants at the first meeting in June 2022.

The RAR Task Force remains committed to enhancing awareness-raising efforts across the Western Balkans, ensuring that all initiatives are effective and responsive to the needs of the communities they serve. These meetings are a part of SEESAC’s broader efforts to strengthen the response to factors fueling the demand for and misuse of firearms in the Western Balkans as part of the Support for Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans project, funded by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) (2021/425-067).

