New In Focus Armed Violence Monitor on Victims Highlights the Impact of Firearm-related Violence in the Western Balkans

The latest issue of SEESAC's In Focus Armed Violence Monitor provides a comprehensive analysis of victims of firearm incidents in the Western Balkans in 2022.

The Monitor aims to serve as a useful resource to understand and address the impact of firearm-related violence in the region. It offers valuable insights into the context of firearm misuse, the demographic characteristics of the victims, the resulting outcomes, as well as the types of weapons used.

The key highlights from the Monitor are:

  • 1,071 victims of firearm incidents were reported in 2022.
  • The age group 19-35 was the most affected by firearm incidents, accounting for 41% of the victims.
  • Men constituted 80% of the victims, while women accounted for 20%.
  • Firearm incident outcomes reveal distinct gender-based risk factors. Men were predominantly affected by incidents related to public disputes, criminal context, and undetermined shootings, whereas women were significantly more impacted by incidents of domestic violence.
  • A total of 124 people died in firearm incidents, with domestic violence incidents resulting in a significant proportion of these fatalities, accounting for 23% of all deaths.
  • Threats were the predominant outcome, affecting both men, women and persons whose sex was unreported, with 42% of all victims being threatened with firearms. This type of outcome was most frequently reported in the criminal context, i.e. armed robberies and public disputes.
  • Firearm injuries were the second most reported outcome, affecting 303 people, primarily men, in relation to public disputes, criminal context and undetermined shootings.
  • Handguns were the most commonly reported type of weapon, affecting 37% of all victims.
  • One-third of all victims of firearm incidents were reported in incidents involving weapons in illegal possession.
  • Victims were predominantly reported in urban areas, except in cases of accidental/celebratory shootings and hunting incidents, which were more common in rural settings.

For more details and data on victims of firearm incidents in the Western Balkans, please refer to the full report here.

More data on firearms incidents in South East Europe is available on the Armed Violence Monitoring Platform.

About the Armed Violence Monitoring Platform (AVMP)

The AVMP monitors firearms-related incidents happening in South East Europe. Established in 2014, it collects detailed data from media reports and reports of public institutions where available, covering the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova.

The collected data ranges from the type of incident, firearms used, age and gender of the victim and the perpetrator, outcome of the incident, etc.

The AVMP aims to make essential data available to all interested parties and serve as an informative tool for interventions with the overarching goal of a more effective arms control framework and reducing their negative impact on civilians.

The AVMP is supported with funding from the EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2111 to support SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South-East Europe, reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons and their ammunition. 
