Gender military trainers in the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of Montenegro develop Gender training Manual for military personnel
3 and 4 November 2021, Budva, Montenegro
Gender trainers from the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and Armed Forces (AF) of Montenegro held two day workshop on 3 and 4 November 2021 in Budva, Montenegro to initiate Gender Training Manual.
The Manual will standardize trainings on gender for the military personnel, and will help trainers to prepare and deliver gender awareness activities. Trainers agreed on the methodology, structure and the workplan for developing this knowledge tool. The Manual wil also be based on the lessons learned collected by gender trainers.
This meeting, organized by SEESAC at the request of the MoD, gathered nine gender military trainers, also enabled experience sharing and knowledge exchange among gender trainers.
The Strengthening of Regional Cooperation on Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans project is financed by the governments of Norway and the Slovak Republic. With the support of UNDP SEESAC, the project provides the Ministries of Defence and Armed Forces in the Western Balkans with a platform where, over the next three years, they can exchange ideas and develop policies to ensure long-term and sustainable inclusion of the gender perspective in defence policies and practices.