Training on the Ethics of Informing the Public about Incidents of Firearms Misuse in Domestic Violence Context, Held in Pristina
On February 5-6, in Pristina, SEESAC conducted a two-day Training on the Ethics of Informing the Public on Gender-Based Violence with a Focus on Incidents with Firearms Misuse, for the representatives of the media and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) and police services.
The training is a part of a series of trainings organized throughout the Region, aiming to improve the way information about gender-based violence with the use of firearms is communicated both by the MoIA to the media and the public, and by the media to their audience.
In a series of dynamic sessions, participants discussed the phenomenon of gender-based violence in relation to firearms misuse, drawing upon local and broader trends in the Western Balkans region. To facilitate the discussion, SEESAC presented the results of the Analysis of Media Reporting of Firearm Misuse in Male Gender-Based Violence Against Women in the Western Balkans and recently developed Guidelines for MOIs/Police Services on How to Better Communicate with the Media Regarding Incidents of Gender-based Violence with SALW.
Sessions also explored the principle of ethical reporting of gender-based violence, while delving deeper into the often unintended but detrimental consequences associated with the unethical reporting. As a part of a practical exercise, representatives from the media and the MoIA, had a chance to exchange their viewpoints regarding their respective work on this topic. Lively discussions and dynamic interchanges of the two groups resulted in interesting findings and conclusions, setting the basis for enhanced and better cooperation in their future work.
The training was organized within the scope of SEESAC’s efforts to raise awareness and increase the operational capacities of relevant beneficiaries through the Regional IPA project in Support of Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans funded by European Commission.