SEESAC Trains Cyber Security Units from South East Europe in Open Source Intelligence and Cyber Patrolling

SEESAC, in cooperation with the EMPACT FIREARMS, organized the Regional Open Source Intelligence Training (OSINT) for Cyber Security Units and Firearm Focal Points from South East Europe. The training which took place throughout June helped the participants understand how to use cyber patrolling and publicly available data to prevent crimes.

The tripartite event started with the training in Tirana on 14-17 June where the participants learned the bases of the OSINT cycle - collection, analysis, and dissemination of publicly sourced information and the creation of intelligence out of it.

After successfully completing the training, its participants immediately had the opportunity to implement practical knowledge gained. For two days, the participants worked on searching for and collecting publicly available information related to the illicit trafficking of firearms.

Finally, the Cyber Patrol reporting meeting was held on 23 June when participants reported back and briefed each other on their findings during the cyber patrolling. They also shared information on tools and methodology used for searching for information.

The training, together with cyber patrolling activity, was organized in the scope of SEESAC’s more extensive work on providing assistance to the Firearms Focal Points in South East Europe through training, education, and technical support as part of the project Support for Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans project, funded by the European Union and EU Council Decision 2018/1788 in support of SEESAC for the implementation of the Regional Roadmap on combating illicit arms trafficking in the Western Balkans.
