Calling on Parents throughout Serbia to Serve as Positive Examples, and NOT to Use Pyrotechnics

Loud and countless bangs of pyrotechnics mark every holiday season in Serbia. But they often do not bring joy. Every year there are numerous victims of misuse of pyrotechnics and often these victims are quite young.  

Ministry of Interior, with SEESAC’s support, is launching an awareness raising campaign “Be a good example – do not play with pyrotechnics” (Budi dobar primer – ne igraj se pirotehnikom). The campaign alerts the public to the general dangers of using pyrotechnics but especially when they are in the hands of kids and minors. It particularly calls on parents to be aware of the influence they wield over their children and to serve as good examples to them – by not using pyrotechnics.

According to the MOI, over the course of the last 3 years as many as 52 persons suffered physical injuries from the misuse of pyrotechnics. Of those, 12 suffered serious bodily harm.

It is illegal in Serbia to sell pyrotechnics to persons under 18. Nevertheless, many minors, with the help of adults, manage to obtain these dangerous explosive devices. As a result, of the 52 injured persons, as many as 16 were children and 11 were minors.

The campaign also reminds the public that pyrotechnics cannot be used if they cause public disturbance or endangers the safety of others. Such offenses are punished with a financial penalty.  

The campaign has been launched on TV stations with national frequency and social media platforms on 19 December 2023 and will be ongoing throughout the holiday season. It features a promotional video and informational social media messages.

This campaign is being implemented within the scope of SEESAC’s efforts to raise awareness and increase the operational capacities of relevant beneficiaries through the Regional IPA project in Support of Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans funded by European Commission.
