Armed Violence Monitor: Number of Celebratory Shootings Substantially Grows during Summer Months

The Quarterly Armed Violence Regional Monitor just published by SEESAC and covering July-September 2022, reveals that the total number of firearm incidents increased - 925 firearm incidents were recorded, which is a 27.9% increase compared to the second quarter of 2022. With 376 cases recorded, weapon seizures continue to be the most reported type of incident in the region, with handguns being the most seized type of weapon during this quarter, followed by explosives and rifles/shotguns.

The Monitor also warns that summer months are the period of the year when a substantial increment of celebratory shootings occurs. From July to the end of September, a total of 116 celebratory shootings was recorded in South East Europe compared to 15 incidents recorded from April to June. Similarly, the same trend of celebratory shootings during the summer months was observed in 2020 and 2021. Majority of the incidents were reported during family celebrations, with handguns and gas pistols being the most used type of weapon.

Unfortunately, during this third quarter, 47 people were killed with firearms, while 89 were injured. Men accounted for 84.3% of all perpetrators, of those whose sex was reported.

To learn more details on the reported incidents, download the report here.

More data on firearms incidents in South East Europe is available on the Armed Violence Monitoring Platform.


About the Armed Violence Monitoring Platform (AVMP)

The AVMP monitors firearms-related incidents happening in South East Europe. Established in 2014, it collects detailed data from the media reports and reports of public institutions where available, covering Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Kosovo*.

The collected data range from the type of incident, firearms used, age and gender of the victim and the perpetrator, outcome of the incident, etc.

The AVMP aims to make essential data available to all interested parties and serve as an informative tool for interventions with the overarching goal of a more effective arms control framework and reducing their negative impact on civilians.

The AVMP is supported with funding from the EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2111 to support SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South-East Europe, reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons their ammunition.



 *References to Kosovo shall be understood in the context of the Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)
