WPON at the Southeast Europe Police Chiefs Association General Assembly meeting

The Southeast Europe Police Chiefs Association (SEPCA) held its General Assembly meeting in Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The three-day meeting took place from April 14-16th 2011 and was hosted by the Ministry of Interior of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.  The Assembly voted on the SEPCA’s 3-year strategy and Action Plan for 2011, chose the new Executive Board, and reviewed project and partner activities. Under the auspices of SEPCA, UNDP/SEESAC implements a project supporting the Women Police Officer’s Network (WPON) aimed at gender mainstreaming in police practice in Southeast Europe. Ms. Jelena Vasiljevic, Chair of the WPON Council,  and Ms. Bojana Balon, WPON Project Manager, reported to the assembly and received unwavering support from the police chiefs for WPON’s activities and 2011 work plan. The work plan envisages capacity development for the WPON council members and development of guidelines for gender mainstreaming in police practice.

Among the SEPCA partners present at the assembly were the representatives from the Italian and Austrian Ministries of  Interior, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP),  Europol, Interpol, SECI Centre, RACVIAC, MARRI Center, OSCE Office in Tajikistan, Swiss Development Cooperation, Regional Cooperation Council.
