Significant results for 2020 in Albania: UNDP SEESAC Physical Security and Stockpile Management project

New perimeter security fence with CCTV system built at the MoD storage location in Albania

Project tag for the equipment delivered

New racks for safekeeping of weapons delivered to the MoD

SEESAC Technical Advisor in Albania Arben Kotobelli inspects the new weapons racks delivered to the MoD
In 2020, UNDP SEESAC continued to implement a project in support to physical security and stockpile management in Albania, funded by the US Government’s Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of Albania and Albanian State Police.
This project, initiated in late 2018, supports further improvement of security infrastructure and standard operating procedures for priority storage locations, which still pose a risk for illegal proliferation of SALW and their ammunition.
Owing to a strong commitment of the national authorities, significant progress was achieved during a very challenging year of 2020:
- Security upgrades of two locations of the Albanian MoD were completed:
- Full perimeter security fence, with CCTV cameras and exterior lighting was designed, and built at the permanent SALW and ammunition storage location Mirake;
- 70 specialized weapons racks were designed, manufactured, and provided to the Armed Forces Zall – Herr Land Force Command
- Works at the Main Supply Centre Mullet SALW and ammunition storage location of the Albanian MoI/Albanian State Police (ASP) - were initiated.
In 2021, SEESAC will continue to support the national authorities in Albania: the upgrade of the MoI/ASP Mullet SALW and ammunition storage entailing a full perimeter security fence with a gate, exterior lighting and CCTV system, will be completed.
SEESAC is supporting the national authorities responsible for SALW control in SEE to further decrease SALW proliferation vulnerabilities, as well risk of uncontrolled explosions, through the enhancement of security of SALW and ammunition storages and evidence rooms, building the capacity of the personnel tasked with managing stockpiles, and the reduction of the number of surplus and confiscated SALW, explosives and ammunition.
Check SEESAC’s current work: