Scanning Horizons, Targeting Solutions: The Annual Regional Workshop for the Western Balkans Firearms Focal Points

Representatives of Firearms Focal Points (FFPs) from across the Western Balkans gathered in Montenegro for the Annual Regional Workshop and specialized training on horizon scanning and high-value targets, held from 3 to 5 December 2024, with Moldovan representatives participating as observers, reflecting the growing regional and international cooperation in combating firearms-related threats.

During the Workshop, SEESAC presented the draft Regional Threat Assessment, incorporating valuable inputs gathered during last year’s Workshop. Discussions focused on the current status and functionality of FFPs in each jurisdiction, highlighting structural frameworks, operational capacities, challenges, best practices, and emerging trends in the illicit firearms possession, misuse, and trafficking.

Participants also benefited from the international expertise of Sweden’s National FFP and Swedish Customs. Their presentations emphasized a proactive, preventive approach to combating gun violence, offering insight that enriched regional strategies.

Following the workshop, participants attended a comprehensive Horizon Scanning and High-Value Targets Training designed to enhance the ability of FFPs to address new risks. The training covered topics such as task forces utilization, horizon-scanning techniques, force field analysis, and practical implementation of high-value target methodologies.

The event amplified the FFP’s commitment to addressing firearm-related challenges through collaboration, capacity building, and knowledge sharing.

Both events were organized within the scope of SEESAC’s efforts to establish a functional network of FFPs in the region through the Regional IPA project in Support of Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans funded by European Commission.
