SEESAC receives the UNDP Serbia Outstanding Achievement Award

On 29 January 2010 the SEESAC team was awarded the UNDP Serbia Outstanding Achievement Award. The award recognizes outstanding achievements in leading and contributing to the development and organizational effectiveness of the country office. SEESAC earned this award for substantial contribution to the advancement of the country office and UNDP/UN system overall, by "making a difference" through quantifiable performance and evident results in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

In 2009 SEESAC activities contributed to increased peace and security in the region through the successful reduction of SALW stockpiles. SEESAC successfully implemented projects for the destruction of 27,000 pieces of surplus and confiscated weapons in Serbia and more than 2,300 pieces in Moldova.

Throughout 2009, SEESAC worked towards achieving increased control and transparency of arms transfers in the Western Balkans. Significant success was achieved in this area by improving regional cooperation and coordination. A major result was the publication of the first ever regional arms export report in November 2009 mirroring similar EU processes.

In addition, SEESAC initiated the informal information exchange process between national licensing authorities in the Western Balkans on developing a regional database of arms brokers, existing export embargoes, national export policies for particular destinations, types of goods exported to specific destinations, legal regulations of information on license denials, and the criteria for license denials.

In 2009 SEESAC published several high impact policy relevant reports based on extensive and in depth research. A Regional Study on Convertible Weapons combines an analysis of existing legislation on convertible weapons in the Western Balkans along with recommendations for relevant changes to legislation; Marking and Tracing Legislation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia gives recommendations for changes in the draft Macedonian legislation; The study on the Implementation of the EU Common Position on the Control of Arms Brokering intends to demonstrate the range of possibilities that have been exercised at the national level to implement the Common Position, as well as the options for arms brokering controls for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; SALW Legislation in Montenegro: Compliance with EU Regulations is a comparative study on the existing legislation on arms control in Montenegro and will be used as a baseline for formulation of projects for technical assistance to the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior.

The SEESAC team wants to thank UNDP Serbia for this high recognition. Our support to the national authorities in the region doesn't stop here. This award is just an encouragement and stimulus for future work.