SEESAC continues to support Albania in harmonizing its SALW control legislation with the EU Acquis

UNDP SEESAC continued with the support to Ministry of Interior of Albania in the field of harmonization of the SALW control legislation with the EU Acquis, through organization of  a two-day Workshop on the development of secondary legislation, based on new  Law on Weapons, adopted in December, last year.  Workshop started with a presentation by a representative from Directorate of Programming, Standardization and Harmonization of the Regulatory Framework from the  Ministry of Interior which focused on the changes brought by the new Law on Weapons. Subsequently, SEESAC delivered a presentation on  licensing and authorization procedures for natural persons and legal entities under the EU legislative framework. The rest of the  workshop was dedicated to  detailed discussions on seven different decisions which constitute secondary legislation accompanying new Law on Weapons and are  directly connected to the new changes in the law.  Decisions discussed cover issues such as licensing of activities allowed with weapons; procedures with weapons in the case of declaration of their owner's death; declaration of legal winding up of weapon related business; possession of weapons for research purposes; lost and stolen weapons; risk assessment of the need for firearms for necessary defense and granting of special authorization for weapon possession; declaration, conservation, registration and deactivation of collection weapons as well as procedures of entry/exit, import marking of firearms and registration of Albanian citizens and foreigners carrying firearms of category “B” and “C” across the border of the Republic of Albania.

This workshop was organized on 8-9 February 2021, in the context of the EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1788 of 19 November 2018 in support of the implementation of the Regional Roadmap on combating illicit arms trafficking in the Western Balkans and it directly contributes to the achievement of Goal 1 of the Roadmap on ensuring that arms control legislation is in place, fully harmonized with the EU regulatory framework and other related international obligations and standardized across the region by 2023. 
