SEESAC Deliveres a Five-day Regional Training of Trainers for Police Officers in the Western Balkans on the Use of Guidelines to Address Risks of Firearms Misuse in Domestic Violence

SEESAC organized a regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on the practical use of the Guidelines for Assessing and Addressing Risks Related to Firearms Misuse in Domestic Violence, in Herceg Novi from 27 to 31 May 2024.

In 2022, SEESAC initiated the development of the Guidelines for police officers for assessing and addressing risks related to firearms misuse in the context of domestic violence. Through a set of practical checklists, the Guidelines aim to support police officers to effectively assess, address, prevent, and reduce risks related to the presence and firearms misuse in domestic violence.

Following the finalization of the Guidelines, SEESAC organized the regional ToT on their practical utilization for 13 police officers from five Western Balkans jurisdictions. During the training, participants attained practical knowledge on the application of Guidelines in their everyday work, gained necessary trainer’s skills, practiced design and delivery of the training related to the Guidelines, and further refined their understanding of domestic violence, its dynamics, characteristics, and types, and the role of firearms in domestic violence.

Following the ToT, participants will develop and deliver one day training in their respective institutions with SEESAC’s support. The first ToT is an initial step in the establishment of the regional pool of Trainers in police directorates in five Western Balkan jurisdictions which will further facilitate capacity building for regional exchange of experience in the prevention of firearms misuse in domestic violence.  

The training was organized under the regional project ‘Support for Enhancing the Fight Against the Illegal Possession, Misuse, and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the Western Balkans’ funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II). Through this project, SEESAC is providing support to authorities in the Western Balkans to mainstream the gender perspective in the SALW control measures and, in particular, to prevent and combat the misuse of firearms in domestic violence. 
