Regional Synergies in SALW Control

On 09 June 2010 representatives of the US Department of State, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, Small Arms Survey and SEESAC met to share information about their plans for activities in the Western Balkans in the field of small arms and light weapons (SALW) control.

SEESAC presented the EU Council Decision 2010/179/CFSP of 11 March 2010 in support of SEESAC arms control activities in the Western Balkans, in the framework of the EU Strategy to combat the illicit accumulation and trafficking of SALW and their ammunition.

The participants discussed options for achieving synergies with the US supported 'Regional Approach to Stockpile Reduction (RASR)' in order to have an inclusive and holistic approach to SALW control interventions in the Western Balkans.