New Gender Trainers for the Armed Forces Certified by NCGM
Within the scope of the UNDP/SEESAC’s Gender Equality in the Military project, which aims to advance integration of women in the armed forces in the Western Balkans, a two-week long Regional Gender Training of Trainers Course was held and successfully completed on 13 March 2014.
The course, which was tailored to the needs of the Ministries of Defence (MoDs) and Armed Fordes (AFs) in the Western Balkans, is accredited by the NATO and was delivered by the Nordic Center for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM).
The training was successfully completed by sixteen (16) representatives of the MoDs and members of AFs who already work as instructors for troops, units, staff and/or officers at their respective institutions. Among them were six (6) representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, two (2) from Montenegro, five (5) from Serbia and three (3) from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
As a result, a regional group of instructors who posses necessary expertise to further develop and implement courses in the field of gender equality for the Ministries of Defence and the Armed Forces is now formed.
In the next phase of this activity, UNDP/SEESAC will assist the new instructors as they plan and implement activities tailored to further raise awareness about gender equality within their respective institutions.
The course was hosted by the Peace Support Operations Training Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
SEESAC's Gender Equality in the Military: Strengthening of Regional Cooperation on Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans project aims to create a more conducive environment for the advancement of women in the military in the Western Balkans. With this as its goal, SEESAC is supporting the Ministries of Defense in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in their efforts to ensure better integration, retention and professional development for women in the armed forces as well as stronger participation of women in decision-making and gender sensitive change in their organizational cultures.