Montenegro - 2009 Annual Report on Foreign Trade in Controlled Goods
The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro, as a key agency responsible for the arms transfer control system, has produced their fourth annual report on foreign trade in controlled goods for the period 1 January to 31 December 2009. The report gives an overview of the issued and used licenses for export, import and brokering activities and describes the cooperation of the Ministry with international institutions and organizations in the area of arms, military equipment and dual-use transfer
The report contains general information on the new Law on Foreign Trade in Controlled goods, in effect from 1 July 2009, the policy of export/import controls, national control lists, competent institutions in the licensing process, licensing criteria, international agreements, past experience in the field of foreign trade of controlled goods, participation in workshops and further advancement of the control system, as well as analysis of the statistical data shown in the Annexes.
The annexes contain tables with data on registered foreign trade activities, i.e. issued and used import and export licenses, as well as data on companies registered for trade in controlled goods.
The report was prepared in accordance with EU recommendations regarding the format and the content of national reports in order to be compatible with the EU reports and comparable with the national reports of the neighboring states.
The English version of the report can be downloaded here.
The Montenegrin version of the report can be downloaded here.