Implementation of the EU Common Position on the Control of Arms Brokering

In 2009 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has requested from SEESAC assistance for strengthening the national legislation on brokering controls. The study on the 'Implementation of the EU Common Position on the Control of Arms Brokering', researched and written by Dr Paul Holtom from SIPRI, provides an overview of the implementation of the Common Position 2033/468/CFSP of 23 June 2003 on the control of arms brokering by EU member states and states in the Western Balkans. It highlights some of the approaches that have been taken by a selection of these states to implement the mandatory and optional provisions of the Common Position. The report is intended to demonstrate the range of possibilities that have been exercised at the national level to implement the Common Position, as well as the options for arms brokering controls for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The English version of the report can be downloaded here.
