Albania: Third Annual Report on Export Control for 2010 Published
On 10 November 2011, Mr. Elton Hodaj, a representative of the Albanian State Export Control Authority (AKSHE), presented the newly published Albanian Annual Report on Export Control for 2010. The report was launched at the SEESAC organized joint presentation of the regional and national reports on arms exports held in Belgrade. This is the 3rd Annual report produced by the AKSHE and it contains data on the types, amount, and value of goods exported and imported by the Republic of Albania, as
well as the countries of destination/origin/transit for those goods, military list categories they fall under and the number of licences issued for each. In addition, the report outlines Albanian national policies regarding the export control of military and dual use goods, as well as the description of the licencing procedures for those goods. The report further discusses Albania’s alignment with international conventions and agreements that have been ratified by the Republic of Albania, as
well as the level of Albania’s cooperation with the relevant international and industry stakeholders.
The Albanian Annual Report on Export Control for 2010 is available in both English and Albanian.