For a safer North Macedonia: EU and UNDP Donate $650,000 in Equipment to Border and Criminal Police
Skopje, North Macedonia - January 27, 2025 – In a significant step towards strengthening North Macedonia's capacity to combat the illegal possession and trafficking of firearms, the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) officially handed over equipment valued at over USD 650,000 to the Ministry of Interior.
The equipment donated by EU and UNDP through the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) includes specialized drones, video scopes, metal detectors, telescopic mirrors, watercraft engines, flashlights, digital cameras, computers, laptops, and printers. This valuable donation will strongly support the important work of the Border and Criminal Police of North Macedonia in the detection of weapons, ammunition, and explosives, the development of risk analysis products, border surveillance, and the prevention of countering illicit trafficking and misuse of firearms.
The ceremony underscored the strong collaboration and longstanding partnership between the EU, UNDP and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in fostering a safer environment for citizens in North Macedonia and in advancing regional and international security goals.
During his address, Mr. Panche Toshkovski, Minister of Internal Affairs of North Macedonia, highlighted: "The donation we are receiving today, which is supported by the EU and UNDP and implemented through SEESAC, will significantly increase our efficiency in dealing with the threats posed by small arms and light weapons, primarily in the organizational units for which this equipment is intended, i.e the Department of Criminal Police and the Department of Border Affairs and Migration, but also in the ministry as a whole. This donation is not only about computers, drones and other technological aids, but it also represents an incentive for us as an institution to continuously and on a daily basis develop a strategy and invest efforts in preventing the misuse of small arms and light weapons. This event today is another recognition of the successful cooperation we have with our international partners from SEESAC, UNDP and the Delegation of the European Union."
The equipment was officially handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by Ambassador Michalis Rokas on behalf of the European Union Delegation to North Macedonia and Mr. Armen Grigoryan, the Resident Representative of the UNDP North Macedonia.
“We all need to work together for keeping our countries and our citizens safer. This donation is yet another step in the long-term partnership and cooperation between the EU and the Ministry of Interior. Proper technological equipment is highly important for the efficiency of the police, as is the harmonization of the national legislation with the international standards. We are satisfied with the political commitment shown by the government of North Macedonia with the endorsement of the second Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the fight against weapons trafficking in the Western Balkans. The EU will continue to provide support in all aspects needed”, noted H.E. Michalis Rokas, Ambassador of the EU Delegation to North Macedonia.
UNDP Resident Representative Armen Grigoryan emphasized the broader objectives of the initiative: “This donation is part of our broader initiative to support North Macedonia in achieving sustainable solutions for peace and security. UNDP remains determined to provide support in the implementation of activities aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the authorities of North Macedonia to perform both preventive and repressive actions necessary to successfully identify and counter misuse and trafficking of firearms, ammunition, and explosives from and through North Macedonia.”
“The EU’s steadfast support has been instrumental in enabling us to drive progress in SALW control, improve security, and save lives.” Mr. Grigoryan added.
According to data from UNDP SEESAC’s Armed Violence Monitoring Platform (AVMP) for 2024, 453 firearm incidents were reported in North Macedonia resulting in 13 fatalities. Encouragingly, over half of these incidents were weapon seizures, reflecting proactive law enforcement efforts in combating firearm proliferation. In 2023, North Macedonia reported seizing 526 firearms and 13,589 pieces of ammunition inland - significantly more than the single firearm and 50 rounds seized at the border, according to the Roadmap’s Key Performance Indicators report.
However, challenges persist, emphasizing the importance of ongoing initiatives such as the Western Balkans Roadmap for Small Arms and Light Weapons and the EU’s Action Plan to combat illegal firearms trafficking.