Since 2010, SEESAC has successfully used a two-pronged approach of: (1) improving the security of storage locations; and (2) building the capacity of the personnel tasked with managing stockpiles, significantly increasing security provisions and reducing the risk of the unwanted proliferation of stockpiles of SALW and their ammunition.
In line with a comprehensive approach to PSSM of SALW and their ammunition, SEESAC will provide support for the reduction of surpluses, which diminishes the risk of proliferation. The project will continue to improve the security of weapons and ammunition storage in SEE by providing further specific technical and infrastructural assistance in line with international best practices and standards.
The project will increase the security of stockpiles through cost-effective targeted infrastructure upgrades at police storage facilities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Kosovo*, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia. The upgrades will focus on central police storages as well as evidence rooms in main police stations with a view to providing the most efficient and cost-effective increase to the security of the stockpiles. Building on SEESAC’s previous work, the project will further increase the security of seven (7) central storage locations and 15 evidence rooms in accordance with international standards and best practices.
Police storage facilities will be upgraded in: Albania (1), BiH (2), Kosovo* (1), The Republic of Moldova (1), Montenegro (1), Serbia (1).
Police evidence rooms will be improved in: Albania (2), BiH (3), Kosovo* (2), The Republic of Moldova (2) Montenegro (2), Serbia (2).
SEESAC works to boost the capacities of staff engaged in managing SALW stockpiles though the training of a regional pool of MoI trainers and support for PSSM training sessions based on the SEESAC curricula piloted under Council Decision 2013/730/CFSP. Using SEESAC’s well established model, one (1) regional Training of Trainers (ToT) will be held and the participants will then be supported by SEESAC to conduct trainings in their own institutions.
One of the ways to diminish the risk of SALW proliferation is by reducing the significant stockpiles of weapons and their ammunition throughout SEE. With this in mind, supporting national authorities in SEE to dispose of their surplus, confiscated SALW and their ammunition is a key component of the SEESAC project.
A total of up to 50,000 pieces of SALW and components and up to 500,000 rounds of ammunition and explosives at risk of proliferation will be demilitarized and destroyed within the scope of this component. The disposal will be carried out over the course of three (3) years.
RASR is a long-term, coordinated, regional effort to address the threats posed by excess, unstable, loosely secured or otherwise at-risk stockpiles of conventional weapons and munitions. RASR’s workshops are an opportunity for Defense Ministry and General Staff officials and representatives of donor countries and international organizations to share best practices, build relationships and learn about the technical and financial assistance that is available for stockpile reduction.
SEESAC is the secretariat of the RASR initiative, and regularly facilitates workshops to strengthen national capacities and promote regional cooperation and exchange of expertise in South East Europe.
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999).