Norway Continues to fund SEESAC's Arms Export Control Programme
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Kingdom of Norway has granted SEESAC the financial support for the implementation of the Phase II of the Arms Export Control Programme in the Western Balkans. The decision was primarily based on the assessment of the programme as well anchored in the participating states, having achieved significant results. With the recent adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty by the UN General Assembly, the project has doubtlessly gained in timeliness and relevance.
Within Phase II of the project, SEESAC will:
- Continue to provide support for the translation and publication of National Reports on Arms Exports.
- Continue to publish Regional Report on Arms Exports.
- Provide software solutions, per request, for the improved processing, analysis and dissemination of arms exports data.
- Hold three (3) Regional Information Exchange Process meetings per year.
- Expand the Regional Database on Arms Brokers.
- Provide assistance, per request, in implementing outreach activities and information sharing.
- Conduct in-depth research on post-export control providing relevant examples of best practices for achieving the highest possible level of control.
The positive review of the project and its extension are a direct reflection of the commitment exhibited by our national partners to bolster their respective arms export control systems. Together, over the past three years, SEESAC and its partners have:
- strengthened the national arms exports reporting systems and increased transparency;
- produced over 30 highly detailed and transparent national reports on arms exports;
- established and published 4 Regional Reports on Arms Exports which are rivaled only by their EU equivalents;
- created a Brokering Database – a unique platform for information sharing amongst authorities tasked with issuing licences across the region;
- created an atmosphere of trust and information and experiences sharing of through the establishment of the Regional Information Exchange Process (RIEP).
The new phase will further enhance the results and achievements of the previous period while cementing SEESAC’s position as a facilitator of regional cooperation in arms control and its efforts to strengthen safety and security through regional cooperation.