Strengthening Control, Administration and Social Attitudes Towards SALW

Implementing period: December 2020 – May 2024

Budget: US$1,661,314

The project under implementation by UNDP Albania aims to strengthen national institutions and systems and improve collaboration and coordination between relevant institutions and affected communities for an effective and efficient response to SALW/firearms risks and threats. 

Specifically, the project will support the government initiative to re-register all legally possessed weapons and digitalize all firearms-related data within a single national database, where the information is easily retrievable and appropriate for analytical work. The project will also assist the Albanian State Police in bringing an additional 10% of its firearms and ammunition storages to acceptable storage and safety standards, preventing the risk of diversion and hence illegal possession, misuse and trafficking.

Finally, a comprehensive awareness campaign, involving and carried out in collaboration with the Albanian State Police, lead civil society organizations and media, including specifically women and youth organizations, will be implemented. The aim of the campaign is to reduce the demand and misuse of firearms, prevent gender-based violence and family crime, and increase confidence in security institutions.

The project contributes to Roadmap Goals 2, 4, 5, 7 and key performance indicators 4, 10, 13, 14 of the Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons and their ammunition in the Western Balkans.

Increased security of the arms depots under the administration of the Albanian State Police

Implementing Period: November 2022 - May 2024

Budget: US$ 474,770

The project, implemented by UNDP Albania, is a response to the expressed priority needs of the Albanian law enforcement authorities. It aims to improve and refurbish three top-priority ammunition storages of the Albanian State Police and furnish 120 safes for SALW for the ASP evidence rooms of Priority I and, partially, Priority II depots. Such improvement is to follow international standards and best practices, guaranteeing the maintenance, safety, and administration of firearms, ammunition, and explosives throughout their entire life cycle.

The project contributes to Roadmap Goal 7 and key performance indicators 12 and 13 of the Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons and their ammunition in the Western Balkans.

Integrated Institutional Approach and Strengthening Cross-Border Cooperation to SALW Control (Phase I)

Implementing Period: December 2023 – December 2025

Budget: US$ 1,205,490

The project, implemented by UNDP Albania, builds upon the previous progress and efforts of the Albanian Ministry of Interior and the State Police to enhance the SALW control at the national level and beyond. It aims to strengthen operational and technical knowledge of relevant institutions and reduce skill gaps in dealing with firearms-ammunition-explosives (FAE) detection and prevent their trafficking across borders.

This entails capacity development and strengthening of relevant national law enforcement institutions/departments, improving their inter-institutional collaboration in the field of FAE as well as promoting and developing cross-border cooperation with a final aim to adopt an integrated institutional approach to combating FAE trafficking.

Project activities will include i) an institutional strengthening component, ii) a training component, inclusive of joint training of law enforcement agencies on various FAE-related topics, ii) a cross-border collaboration component with Kosovo*, and iv) procurement of identified essential equipment for improving the quality and outcomes of the border police operations along the green border of Albania with Kosovo.

The project contributes to Roadmap Goals 2, 3, 5 and key performance indicators 3, 4, 8, 9 and 12 of the Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons and their ammunition in the Western Balkans.