After a crime: where does gender fit in?

For the last two years, SEESAC has been working with the National Crime Intelligence Centre of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and the Swedish National Police to set the stage on why gender equality matters in the security sector for police officers, social and health workers, judges and prosecutors.

Drawing upon the findings of the Gender and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) study and over 10 years of working experience on all aspects gender-related, SEESAC’s experts Danijela Djurovic and Dragan Bozanic, regularly share with participants at “Forensic Analysis of Crimes Scenes in Cases of Domestic Violence and Offences against Sexual Freedom” workshops why gender is a must for effective policing in the 21st century, particularly when it comes to domestic violence.

Analysis conducted by SEESAC demonstrates that the high share of women murdered with firearms reflects the high lethality of firearms in domestic violence context. The study points out that SALW practices in South East Europe are not sufficiently addressed from gender perspective in policy frameworks which impacts the overall effectiveness of SALW control efforts.
