A signature solution to arms control

Over 20 million citizens in South East Europe are now living in a safer region as a result of a European Union (EU) – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) partnership on Disarmament and arms control in the region for the last 15 years.


Brussels, 24 May 2018, Council of the EU

In the presence of EU member states, high-representatives from the EU and UNDP marked the result of a 15 years long partnership: a signature solution to arms control - developed and piloted by SEESAC, a joint initiative of UNDP and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), operating on-the-ground in South East Europe. The EU – UNDP partnership through SEESAC is the longest-standing cooperation on development in Eurasia.

The event was opened by Pawel Herczynski - Director for the Security Policy and Conflict Prevention in the European External Action Service and Barbara Pesce Monteiro – Director of the United Nations/UNDP Brussels Representation Office. The conversation was facilitated by Judit Koromi – CONOP Chair with the participation of Bojana Balon – SEESAC Coordinator, Rovena Voda – Deputy Minister of Interior, Albania, Ermin Pešto – Assistant Minister of Security, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Goran Svilanović– Secretary-General of the RCC and Gerd Trogemann – Manager of the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub.


Quote from Pawel Herczynski - Director for the Security Policy and Conflict Prevention in the European External Action Service: 

Regional processes, not only advance small arms and light weapons control measures, but also help build trust and confidence in the region.


Quote from Rovena Voda – Deputy Minister of Interior, Albania: 

We achieve more when we work together - key take-away from the 15 years long partnership. All progress achieved by this region when it comes to arms control has regional cooperation at its core.


Quote from Gerd Trogemann – Manager of the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub:

Global frameworks like the Sustainable Development Goals, and common goals like EU integration, are designed to catalyse the progress achieved by this region on arms control.


SEESAC’s approach draws upon multi-stakeholder partnerships, groundbreaking research and innovative solutions to prevent illicit trafficking and misuse of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their ammunition, to change attitudes about firearms, to strive for gender equality in order to build more peaceful societies.  In numbers, the EU - UNDP partnership on disarmament and arms control in South East Europe resulted in over 320.000 weapons destroyed, 100 knowledge products published on all SALW related aspects, 6 million citizens informed about the dangers of firearms misuse or 13 storaged with significantly enhanced security. Overall, it created a safer region for over 20 million citizens.

More about SEESAC’s work and results here
