“Celebrate with your heart” - Social Media Campaign in Kosovo* about Dangers of Celebratory Gunfire

Kosovo* Police, with support of UNDP SEESAC, is conducting a social media campaign during the month of August to raise awareness about the dangers of celebratory gunfire, especially during family gatherings and weddings. The campaign’s Facebook and Instagram pages Festo me zemër (Celebrate with your heart), aim to increase the public safety of the people of Kosovo by abiding to the Law on Weapons and to learn about dangers of unsafe use, handling and storing of firearms and its potential impact on families. For more information please visit www.seesac.org

With the funds secured through the Council Decision 2013/730/CFSP, in support of SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South East Europe on 9 December 2013, European Union is supporting institutions of Kosovo in their efforts to combat proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW). The decision was made within the framework of the EU Strategy to Combat the Illicit Accumulation and Trafficking of SALW and their Ammunition which identifies the Balkans and South-East Europe as regions particularly affected by the excessive accumulation and spread of SALW.

* References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

Festo me zemer

Slavi srcem

Celebrate with your heart